This web-site is dedicated to the memory of the niece of our founder; a fine young lady who was caused to take her own life because of her father's, and his clan's, cruel attitude to her needs. Read about the circumstances that lead to the tragic loss of that life. Consider that it was all because of GREED. Precisely what our legal system serves for the operatives through ILL legal services care of our legal experts and the modus operandi from within. ( access ..../summons.html)

SIX months before taking her own life that fine young lady proclaimed to our founder :- "I can't understand it uncle everyone thinks of bricks mortar and money NO ONE CARES ABOUT PEOPLE".

the human-rights web site


Page Revised: January 08, 2000.

All underlined text with an asterisk indicates a LINK at the bottom of the page

"CORRUPT BRITAIN" ?   The headline further down this page is but an understatement.  One need only consider the basis and the foundations of the issues published and challenged in our web-pages. Note the Editor's comment "Time for Ministers to tell the truth".  WE SAY TIME FOR THE MEDIA TO TELL THE TRUTH.

Below, copy of part of, page 6 from the Daily Mail of 6th November 1998.  FAIR COMMENT is guaranteed to all by LAW.  It is for YOU, the public at large, to determine why the issues we cover in our web pages have been ignored by the authorities in the U.K. for decades, if not centuries; better still by an alleged free press in a Democracy!

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The BBC, a most respected institution World Wide in its education web pages admitted that the United Kingdom was in fact the worst offender on Human Rights violations before loosing that esteemed position. What use when the country that boasts the fact its own 'legal experts' drafted the European Convention on Human Rights when the Legal System from within its own boundaries is questioned by so many ?

What use, any law, national or international, when far too many rely on the independence of the judiciary?   What use any law when through their independence  the judiciary habitually ignore the facts presented to them?  What use when the judiciary systematically ignore the law of which they are 'the experts'?  What better examples than "The Downing Street Years"?*  (copyright law) and "The Stephen Lawrence"* ongoing saga, when the laws breached are ignored, or are treated as if printed in invisible ink or some unknown language?  Protracting any case and court action before the courts (or any other government institution and or authority for that matter) 'just to generate and create (through imposed conditions) income for the circles from within which our judiciary rise to judicial office (as PUBLIC SERVANTS and not for any other purpose and or reason than the Judicial OATH qualifies)  IS THE MODUS OPERANDI from within the confines of the United Kingdom Courts and more often than not from within corrupted public services as the world has come to recognise in the long ongoing Stephen Lawrence saga that can now be accepted as the modus operandi by reference also to the few cases of the victims covered on our web-site.  WHO RESPONSIBLE for the encouragement that lead to the headline we publish below?  Upon which bodies and persons do the dishonest and the financially more secure rely to perpetrate many a wrong act and or to impose their vile activities on the less fortunate and or 'the lesser protected by the laws that are written and or published in invisible ink, for the corrupt and the corrupted to know not of?

The words below very clear:-   "....all too eager to hand out your money AND IGNORE THE LAW".   My goodness the MEDIA have now discovered that law does exist.  When will public servants do? *


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And the very paper on 30th July 1998 carried the article we publish below

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The above headlines takes us back to the Valerie Grove interview of Sir Peter Michael Ibden, ex commissioner of the Metropolitan police, in October 1992.

THE AMORAL SOCIETY he spoke of nearly seven years ago

AND in the Daily Mail, again, on 13 January 1997 the news below covered high profile cases because of the high cost, naturally. The words 'LEGAL AID CHEATS'*.  YET the daily abuse of the Legal Aid system is ignored because the ordinary citizens, who are the victims, have no recourse and the law enforcement agencies protect them not. The operatives of the 'system' milk the state daily (and the targeted victims, of course, as the Geoffrey Harold Scriven cases brought to light). Plenty of documented evidence exists.   It establishes beyond reasonable doubt that abuses of the Housing Benefit facilities lead also to abuse of the Legal Aid facilities and funds (as reported in the Daily Mail on 30th June 1997, as we publish above).  We reported to the DSS Fraud investigation department and to the Legal Aid Board (naturally) such matters. WE await to see who acts first and how. Needless to say neither acknowledged our letters. To do so leads to acceptance and not simple recognition of the problem the public IS AWARE OF. Turning a blind eye, and a deaf ear WAS the modus operandi of persons in authority and we look forward to more changes for a better society. In the circumstances when public servants acted, others must follow suite. The adage 'recognition that a problem exists is half way to solving it' stands on sound reasoning AND WE SHALL GO ON promoting it relentlessly. We trust the investigation by the Yard will lead to better and healthier operations within the Legal System. We look forward to better deals for the public as the Rt. Hon. Paul Boateng stated in his letter to our founder. The instructions from the cabinet to the Rt. Hon. Frank Field, Minister, to "DO THE UNTHINKABLE" rested on 'recognition of the UNACCEPTABLE  PRACTICES known to many.  It was, however, considered prudent to (a) admit lack of funds to cope with the demands (not abused?) to provide for the needy. One wonders, in the case of HOUSING NEEDS how local authorities managed if not as the manipulators of the corrupt system arranged and organised at the expense of their targeted victims, in the handling of Housing Benefit funds*, and the attached issues that we cover on our web-site.

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The above article suffices.  The citizens are informed of such matters but they are NEVER TOLD if anything has been or is being done about the vile practices, the fraudulent activities.  We have evidence in support of the fact that officers of the Courts are aware of such practices and that they DO recognise abuses by the legal profession. We have documents evincing the fact that when a judicial person while acting 'judiciously' CHALLENGED a blatant abuse of the LEGAL AID FUND facilities and DID 'reprimand' the solicitors involved at the time.  HOWEVER, at that very court solicitors sought and were seeking to convert moneys owing to a citizen (rents due and payable, under a shorthold tenancy agreement) to alleged legal costs in contravention of a contemporaneous Court of Appeal ruling*.  Inexcusable and unjustified abuse of the Legal Aid facilities that are nothing but a loan payable back from moneys recovered. One wonders how on earth solicitors applied for a Legal Aid certificate for the client who owed a substantial amount of rents and sought to disappear to an unknown destination as soon as the relevant and appropriate DEFAULT SUMMONS WAS SERVED on the debtor client. Questionable activities!!!! AN overlooked(?) concurrent COURT of APPEAL RULING in respect of the matter taken before the County Court by the two firms of solicitors. Both firms of solicitors blatantly sought AND somehow  secured alleged Legal Aid Certificates (Refer to the G. H Scriven cases* for an insight as to the financial position of the solicitors indemnity fund). Violating the rights of the victim, landlady, abusing the County Court's processes and facilities while ALL were/are presumed to have been/be IGNORANT of the LAW?   Solicitors and court officers contemptuously seeking to play at theatre (in a county court)  irrespective of Higher Authorities? A contemporaneous Court of Appeal ruling ignored by all in pursuit of theatre, at the county court, where ALL were hoping to present their theatrical scenarios and faulty on fact and law scripts, irrespective of 'The LAW'.

The Lord Chancellor is presently to receive an appropriate challenge through a respected member of Parliament representing the government that WILL DO the unthinkable as its leader declared and the present Minister of State at the Home Office (the Rt. Hon. Paul Boateng who was moved on in the Summer 1999 shuffle) promised our founder in July 1995.

The LORD CHANCELLOR and his office,


The HOME SECRETARY and his office AND

THE POLICE AUTHORITIES are hereby called to explain the free for all that the Legal Professions appear to benefit from, as our founder recognised and came to know and has known of for some thirty years now.  IT IS ALL done care of others who know of the LAW (and the provisions and purpose of the Legal Aid facilities, they ABUSE). Unjustified and inexcusable provisions of Legal Aid facilities to those who blatantly breach and violate the LAW. More often than not through encouragement to do so, as the Daily Mail investigation, published on 30th June 1997, uncovered and EXPOSED. ".. AND IGNORE THE LAW...", the investigating reporters concluded. Inexcusable and blatant acts of THEFT of rights to property*; any person so indulging ought to be prosecuted.  DECEPTION is one issue BUT CONSTRUCTIVE FRAUD through abuse of trust or office is unjustified in the mother of modern Democracy. THE LAW ON DECEPTION and FRAUD CANNOT BE IGNORED by those in authority. They know of THE PRACTICES, receive thousands of complaints annually yet do nothing about the blatant abuses of the Social Security Funds that we reported to them, as long ago as May/August 1996, safe for a councilor to admit the SCAMS and the fraud the 'staff indulged in, in 1999, some 3 years later and after our founder's explicit letter to the Home Secretary in December 1998.

WE are therefore glad to note and report that the abuse of the Housing Benefit funds/facilities, by Local Authority staff(?) will be no more, thanks to the 'decision' of the innovative and concerned Chancellor of the Exchequer and the government he represents:



ANY PERSON in authority and or reputable newspaper editor/publisher (whose attention we will draw to our web pages) is called to contact us. We will furnish full particulars to them and the documented evidence in support of our claims.  THE Social Security funds are being fleeced AT WILL by persons who DO KNOW THE LAWWorse they are in a position to know that what they do IS OUTSIDE THE LAW. They also know that the Nolan Committee pointed out to the fact that there exists the common law offence of 'misconduct in public office'*.

Link to: h-r Home Page     The Police    The Home Office    Morals and Morality

Link to: Cowboy Lawyers    Fraud Vitiates Judgements    Misconduct in Public Office 

Link to: Corrupt Court/Lawyer practices ADMITTED    Court of Appeal ruling-housing

Link to: Downing Street    Stephen Lawrence    Legal Aid Cheats   Housing Benefit

Link to: Theft of Rights to Property   Divorce Lawyer Admits Fraud

Revised: January 08, 2000.

Copyright subsists on all material on our web-site, owned by the authors of same.