This web-site is dedicated to the memory of the niece of our founder; a fine young lady who was caused to take her  own life because of her father's, and his clan's, cruel attitude to her needs. Read about the circumstances that lead to the tragic loss of that life. Consider that it was all because of GREED. Precisely what our legal system serves for the operatives through ILL legal services care of our legal experts and the modus operandi from within. ( access ......../summons.html)

SIX months before taking her own life that fine young lady proclaimed to our founder :- "I can't understand it uncle everyone thinks of bricks mortar and money NO ONE CARES ABOUT PEOPLE"

the human-rights web site


Page Revised: January 05, 2000.

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Under Home Office supervision

Read this true and hilarious storyof RELIANCE on officers at the Magistrates Court the attempts to make money for their circles through misconduct in public office and violations of the rights of the targeted victim.  They did not get away with making money for their circles. BUT THEY DID DENY AND VIOLATE THE RIGHTS OF THEIR TARGETED VICTIM as licensed criminals with self appointed rights to act outside 'The LAW', at the expense of the new serfs whose hard work and honest earnings they SYSTEMATICALLY CONVERT TO LOOT FOR THEMSELVES AND THE CRIMINALS in the legal professions, care of a corruptly abused legal system.



The vile practices and the foul liberties indulged in  -   The Police and Justice SYSTEM in operation and AT THEIR MAGNIFICENT BEST. What our Law Enforcement Agencies Excel at.

1. An inebriated person, who is failing to control himself and the car he is driving, forces me to pull over and stop. HE CAUSES extensive damages to a company van I am driving. HE FAILS TO STOP and carries on. Multiple offences IN LAW, police duty to investigate.

2. I report the event to the police station. I DO NOT HAVE MY DRIVING LICENSE with me but I do produce evidence that I HAD LOST IT AND I HAD APPLIED FOR A DUPLICATE. I am issued with the usual '5 days to produce slip'. I do produce letters cheque stubs, etc. as proof of application with Driver and Vehicle Licencing Centre and their letter acknowledging application, evincing also driver and driving Licence number.

3. Five days later I attend the police station to produce the slip again and another letter from DVLC clearly endorsed with licence number, etc. DVLC advising me to produce that letter when / if asked for my driving licence.

4. TWO months later a letter from the police station invites me to attend there that evening; they need to see my documents. I attend and re-produce everything, I produce more letters but no licence, as yet. The DVLC SWANSEA failures are NOTORIOUS. I ask for and secure a signature for my attendance. (safe & sure ? WAIT FOR IT !!!)

5. MONTHS later FIVE SUMMONSES ARE SERVED ON ME. The victim who did his duty as the LAW provides, allegedly has:-

    (a) NO licence !

    (b) NO M.O.T Certificate !!

    (c) FAILED To produce M.O.T Certificate !!!

    (d) NO Insurance Cover !!!!

    (e) FAILED to produce Insurance Certificate !!!!!

6.  IN the meantime - complete and utter indifference to the crimes the police should have been investigating, notwithstanding the fact that full description and adequate particulars of the offending vehicle and driver had been given to the police.

7.   A solicitor I contact, in order to defend the wrongful Summonses (persecutions) requests for FIVE HUNDRED pounds as an advance. Glad to do so BUT HE MUST EXCHANGE LETTERS TO THE EFFECT THAT HE WILL BE PREPARED TO ACCEPT INSTRUCTIONS AND TAKE LEGAL action against the police after the charges are dismissed. I DO HAVE ALL THE EVIDENCE to discredit and quash the false allegations and the wrongly issued Summonses against me. HE IS NOT PREPARED TO GIVE SUCH AN UNDERTAKING!!!! It would be cheaper to submit guilty pleadings to the Court and forget THE INCOMPETENCE OF THE POLICE. And SO I INFORM THE SOLICITOR, the police partner in Law busting and rights denial practitioner.

8.  I act myself and I plead / submit NOT GUILTY documents to the Court (all five Summonses of course). NO CONFIRMATION FOR AN ADJOURNMENT reaches me by the date stated on the Summonses when served (the prescribed and normal practice is ignored). In the circumstances I have no option but to attend Court on the stated date. I am / will not provide any one the opportunity to enter judgements against me on grounds that I failed to attend Court (I have such a case in my files). My application to dismiss the 'Summonses against me is ignored but AN ADJOURNMENT is proclaimed AT THE END OF THE DAY after making me wait ALL day while the police failed to attend. MY DAY WASTED through misconduct in public office!!!!!!

9.  Prior to attending the Magistrates' Court, on the subsequent date set for the hearings, I attend the solicitor's office (the very person WHO WAS NOT PREPARED TO TAKE LEGAL ACTION AGAINST THE POLICE!!!) with an AFFIDAVIT I had prepared. Attached to it are true photocopies of the exhibits in support of my statements, the evidence upon which I am relying and can challenge the wrongful summonses/prosecutions against my person. (I take along with me the originals in order for the solicitor to ensure and to satisfy himself that I do posses such documented evidence). The affidavit is an absolute must BECAUSE of practices I am familiar with. Years earlier, and at the very Magistrates' Court I have to attend, in a similar case I witness documented evidence that had been adduced to the court being ignored and shoved under the carpet. As far as that court hearing was concerned, EVIDENCE did not exist, only the allegations by the police merited consideration; an open and shut case.

10.   I attend Court on my own on the date of the hearings BUT THE POLICE AGAIN FAIL TO TURN UP !!!!!!! (solicitor/police CONNECTION ????). I DID MAKE sure that the only person who knew of my Affidavit, and my defence tactics, was that solicitor alone. NOBODY else knew; not even my wife(!). The police are so anxious to prosecute, AND PERSECUTE ME, and yet they elect to disregard the hearings of their allegations against me, the victim of crimes who went to report the crimes to the police. The crimes they should and ought to have been investigating were of no relevance; the law abiding citizen WAS!!!!!!  AND THEY RELIED ON OTHERS FOR THE PERSECUTION !!!!!!!

11.  In accordance with rules of procedure I apply and invite the Clerk of the Court, again, TO DISMISS THE SUMMONSES against me because the police failed to attend Court. MY application is turned down. I point out to the clerk that since the police were not there to produce ANY EVIDENCE in support of their allegations, and to be cross-examined IN THE FIRST INSTANCE there is no way he could proceed with any hearing PROPER.  BUT, HE INSISTS, at the behest of the Crown Prosecution lady barrister who is acting for the police. She is fully armed ONLY WITH THE SUMMONSES to back her up. FIVE unsubstantiated pieces of paper. I point out the rules of procedure BUT I AM IGNORED.  AND, I have to submit to demands made of me and respond to "You are........ HOW DO YOU PLEAD?" FIVE TIMES, one for each Summons.   AND this notwithstanding the NOT GUILTY documents filed at Court, weeks earlier. ADHERENCE TO PROCEDURE !!!!!!!!!(?)  With no case established by the police, the Clerk inquires of the victim and seeks with the Barrister appearing for the police to conduct a Defence cross examination even though I have not been permitted to make any statements to the Court!!!!!  SUCH DEMANDS OF ME, THE VICTIM OF CRIMES, could not possibly constitute any hearing proper ????? AND BARRISTER appearing for the police, with no evidence but the allegations on pieces of paper, INSISTS AND PERSISTS on such procedures!!!!!! The clerk even refuses to refer to MY affidavit and its exhibits. In AGREEMENT with the other legally trained expert, THE C.P.S BARRISTER, they wish to and attempt to procure -judgements through the usual theatrics and the habitual denial of rights. In other words through utter disregard for all principles of procedure and the Rights of the citizen, in International and National Laws.

12.  Both are challenged to proceed as they see fit, TO BE FOLLOWED BY APPROPRIATE APPEALS, NATURALLY, all the way to Strasbourg. AND the prosecuting barrister is thus obliged to peruse the Affidavit and the exhibits. Upon sight of the true photocopy of the MOT Certificate there follows an assertion "It appears there was one, BUT IT IS ANOTHER MATTER IF HE EVER PRODUCED IT (the reason for separate summonses, for the police must and should have their pound of flesh). I tell the barrister to learn to crawl before walking let alone attempting to run. AND the clerk to the court threatens and intimidates me with a custodial sentence for alleged contempt !!!!!!  I urge the prosecuting Barrister TO LOOK AT ANOTHER EXHIBIT. THE FIVE DAY WONDER SLIP. LO and BEHOLD the MOT Certificate had been seen by the police!!!!! What do you know???? Would you believe it??? THERE WAS even an endorsement and signature at the back when the documents were seen again two months later!!!!! At the request of the prosecuting barrister the Courtroom is vacated and there follows a very long meeting between that person and myself. There follow attempts for over an hour to cause me to accept ill-founded assertions that MY insurance certificate, the one I submitted, was not covering the vehicle(?) I was driving!!! (Never mind "the insured can drive ANY VEHICLE not belonging to him"). By design, I did not disclose any insurance Certificate from the Company that owned the van in respect of which a Road Fund license was in force; get the point?). The Barrister is challenged again to seek and secure a judgement and fine if so desired (it DID HAPPEN IN THE OTHER CASE YEARS EARLIER, hence the specific Defence tactics and presentation of Evidence on AFFIDAVIT). BUT APPEAL(S) WOULD follow all the way to Strasbourg!!!! LO AND BEHOLD everybody is called back into Court; there follow requests for the charges/summonses to be dismissed!!!!!!

13.  The clerk is asked to award costs to the wrongly PERSECUTED (choice of word deliberate) VICTIM. DENIED!!!!!! There was no need to Appeal; that refusal (failure if you may) was and is enough to raise and establish the habitual denials of rights. And that, setting aside the systematic obstructions and obstacles to Natural Justice on selective grounds (in support of and for the police. BLATANT BIAS, favouritism and discriminations against the citizen).

14.   WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT ??? It was not the end of the matter!!! The Court failed to confirm dismissal of the charges/summonses/allegations against me. The chief Clerk, who was invited to do so in a letter, failed to comply. LO AND BEHOLD!!! A Woman Police Constable (known to my children, through her work and presentations at their school) RE-SERVES, ON ME (in the presence of my son) the very same FIVE SUMMONSES, and, by the state of the envelope containing them it was evident that it must have been in her (or someone else's ) pockets for months.

15. Another letter to the chief clerk at the Magistrates court produces a reply; BUT IT IS NOW ALLEGED THAT DISMISSAL of the Summonses was, to all intents and purposes, on the very grounds as the declined application from me at the onset of the hearing(?) on the day in Court. THE FAILURE of and by the police to attend and to produce and or support their allegations against me. NO EVIDENCE BY AND OR IN SUPPORT OF AND FROM THE PERSON who had filed and laid down forgeries (the Summonses) resting on alleged police records proper. FORGERIES!!!! that is what false statements alleging failures to adduce and or posses documents amount to. FORGERIES, with intent to deceive the Court AND TO DEFRAUD the victim (any citizen who cannot act as I did). THE DOCUMENTS WERE SEEN AND THERE WAS EVIDENCE TO THAT EFFECT. Presumably it had been hoped I, the victim, had lost the 5 days to present slip). Nothing but reliance on the Court and its clerk could have secured Judgements on forgeries, as indeed was attempted; AND IT WAS ATTEMPTED IMPROPERLY. False statements intended to mislead; False statements founded on alleged properly kept police records. FORGERIES wrongly RELIED UPON TO SECURE FINES AND FINANCIAL GAINS FOR THE STATE. The State THAT MAINTAINS SUCH INCOMPETENT AND WRONGLY MOTIVATED INDIVIDUALS AND OR GROUPS OF….. Seeking and securing fraudulent financial impositions on private citizens through incompetent servants who become and are nothing else but aided and abetted criminals, when INTENT EXISTS from the onset, be it to bolster success rates for the police and or for funds for the state through abuses of an independent(?) judicial system.

16. Would you believe it ???? The information that the police had served again the five Summonses the Chief Clerk, to the Magistrates Court, responded to in a letter and he had the nerve and the audacity to suggest that the re-served Summonses could have been for other offences!!!!! He, evidently, was gifted and a psychic; I was (am I?) an illiterate peasant. ADDING INSULTS TO MY INTELLIGENCE AND TO MY INTEGRITY, on top of the injuries consequential to the denials of RIGHTS by another incompetent and or criminally motivated Public Body, through its servants. ALL knowingly and CONSCIOUSLY were acting outside and above the law, National and International, with blatant INTENTIONS.

INTENT is the operative word.   The police systematically fail and raise objections to demands from citizens who seek copies and or access to records and documents perused and relied upon by the police when asserting and relying on records without substance.  An Inspector (Wiggins) in the course of a meeting (warranted because of False Records by the police, in another case, as in the above case) flatly and adamantly declined and objected to the victim inspecting and or having copies of the FALSE RECORDS THE POLICE MAINTAINED AND WERE RELYING UPON in their representations to the victim. True to their practices which the above case qualifies. THE police failed to follow up on a violent crime; the detective assigned to the case never called upon the victim; when asked why, he asserted that he had in fact visited and interviewed the victim; the victim most emphatically and categorically stated that no one ever attended to him apart from the initial woman police constable on the day of the violent crime. The detective insisted he had and gave a date which he stated he had entered in the police records; the date the detective gave as the date he allegedly called upon the victim was FICTITIOUS because the victim was away on holidays.  On BEING CORNERED as to the initial fabrications! (FALSE records = FORGERIES intended to mislead anyone referring to FALSE RECORDS, the police amended the initial entry made by the detective and attempted to justify the new falsification as a copier problem. Waffle and FORGERIES by the police to explain away breaches of public duty and reckless abuse of office.

One need be no Einstein to recognise the reasons why COPIES of police records are not available to the citizens, the victims. The FIVE WRONG SUMMONSES, at the expense of the targeted victim, in the above case proves more than enough. There exist escape routes because others, not as parliament through its laws enacted, SO DETERMINE AND ARRANGE. Our Law Enforcement Agencies ASSIST EACH AND ONE ANOTHER TO DEFRAUD THE PUBLIC OF THEIR RIGHTS IN LAW. IN THE PROCESS DEFRAUDING ALSO THE PUBLIC OF THEIR FUNDS TOO, as was contemplated through the FIVE WRONG SUMMONSES the victim in the above case was served with, TWICE.

It should be perfectly clear where the Law Enforcement Agencies and the legal professions  stand in the United Kingdom.  Justice, is treated as a Blind Deaf and DUMB non entity; just as they treat the citizens because our LEA's and our presumptuous 'knowledge classes' have so determined. The media and the 'knowledge class' barons from within their confines as blind and indifferent to the facts of life in the United kingdom justice halls.  The many reports from victims of the corrupted legal system ignored, at least over the thirty odd years our founder has observed and noted.

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Revised: January 05, 2000.

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