the human-rights web site


This web-site is dedicated to the memory of the niece of our founder; a fine young lady who was caused to take her  own life because of her father's, and his clan's, cruel attitude to her needs. Read about the circumstances that lead to the tragic loss of that life. Consider that it was all because of GREED. Precisely what our legal system serves for the operatives through ILL legal services care of our legal experts and the modus operandi from within. ( access ...... /summons.html)

SIX months before taking her own life that fine young lady proclaimed to our founder :- "I can't understand it uncle everyone thinks of bricks mortar and money NO ONE CARES ABOUT PEOPLE".

Scarth, Norman Home-Page - his tribulations

Mr Scarth relates to the world....

The days of public servants relying on the BLIND DEAF AND DUMB MEDIA ARE OVER. The days when ALL relied on BLIND DEAF AND DUMB officers within the law enforcement agencies are also over. This is the age of FREE exchange of information and THE unadulterated FACTS OF LIFE within all states, so long as their citizens are free to exercise AS WE DO, their basic human-rights that ARE GUARANTEED under the European Convention on Human Rights. (ECoHR) 

Article 9.  "EVERYONE has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion...              Article 10. "EVERYONE has the right to FREEDOM OF HOLD OPINIONS...TO RECEIVE AND IMPART INFORMATION AND IDEAS without interference by public authority and  regardless of frontiers..... (with provisions attached to) maintaining the authority AND IMPARTIALITY of the judiciary".                                                                                                                          Article 11.   "EVERYONE has the right of freedom of peaceful assembly and to freedom of  ASSOCIATION with others.... rights to form and join ... for the protection of HIS INTERESTS".         Article 13.  "EVERYONE whose rights and freedoms as set forth in this Convention are violated SHALL have an effective remedy before a national authority notwithstanding that the violation HAS BEEN committed by persons acting in an OFFICIAL CAPACITY".                                                               Article 14.   The enjoyment of the rights and freedoms set forth in this convention all be secured without DISCRIMINATION on any grounds such as sex, race colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, association with a national minority, property, birth or other status.

Article 13 is VERY CLEAR. WHERE IS THE NATIONAL AUTHORITY THAT LOOKS INTO THE VIOLATIONS judges in the United Kingdom endorse, entertain AND INSTIGATE of their own?  The question is simple and the Lord Chancellor with the Home Secretary should co-operate and produce the formula under which the citizens CAN challenge activities that blatantly breach national law and VIOLATE Human Rights.

We draw attention to the provisions of the Criminal Justice Act 1988, the sections we publish in The CAMILA Project Home-Page and our challenge of the Attorney General in the Stephen Lawrence pages.

We publish below a  report in colour from the Yorkshire Evening Post of Friday 25th June 1999, with Mr Scarth's notes.  We received also a second set  of copies of the report, and different headlines the paper carried. Do note the clear statement in the first edition and the watered down version in later editions.  NO CENSORSHIP, as the Defence Advisory committee wrote? Or simply the editor in acting alone!  WHY not stick to the original and straight to the point headlines?  Why the obscure and misleading headlines in the later editions?   Are the editors in our media protecting the establishment and not THE PUBLIC as ALL are meant to?  YOU, the citizens of the world decide. These developments in the ongoing saga evince enough. It all started with a small county court claim that plunged an ex royal navy hero in the minefields of our judicial musical chair games and the justice denied / obstructed syndrome through gross violations of human rights we expose on this web-site, pledged as we are to challenging injustice and abuse of office by public servants, no matter who the offenders.  The LAW is the LAW and none is above it.

The first Edition headlines

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The two Editions headlines leading to WHY the need to change?

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The hand-written notes and observations on the above submitted 'evidence' are from none other but the much tried and tested victim of the legal/judicial/police/Mafia, Mr G H Scriven whose rights they violated at will as deposed of succinctly by him*.    Compare the headlines in the two editions and refer to the Defence Advisory committee letters exchanged which we publish*.  Why the changed headlines in later editions?  YOU, the citizen's of the free thinking world BE THE JUDGES. Where be the dignity of man in the United Kingdom when otherwise than proclaimed duties to 'mankind' (humans) are the main activities of the hypocrites in control of any state?

Below we publish a  self explanatory note Mr Scarth sent to us, arising out of a High Court hearing ,  and transcript.

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Note Mr Scarth's promise,"I won't die. I will carry on fighting skulduggery in the courts". The words from the first Litigant In Person to be allowed to record the proceedings* of his application at the Court of Appeal.

Link to:     human-rights Home Page  The Declaration   The LAW   ECoHR(more rights) or to:         Scriven home-page   Scarth allowed to Record

Revised: February 18, 2000.

Copyright subsists on all material on our web-site, owned by the authors of same.